Nepal is safe to travel and there fewer people infected by a coronavirus in Nepal to date. Of course, we can say that Nepal is safe to travel even in this horrific situation in the world. Many people are raising questions is there coronavirus in Nepal? There are only a few people who die from Novel coronavirus (COVID -19) until now. You can travel to Nepal and Himalayas where there is less chance of spreading coronaviruses. Even though, many foreigners are enjoying their Trekking in Nepal adventure in Nepal to make their best holidays.
The main things at the moment most of the travellers are postponed their trip for the next season due to the awareness of COVID-19. So at the moment we have to be safe and will travel in a few months later and need to way from coronavirus.
How to safe from Novel coronavirus COVID -19?
The main thing is to frequently wash your hands. Always you have to focus on personal neatness and cleanse and avoid crowed to save from epidemics of coronavirus COVID- 19. Below are the main preventive of coronavirus-
Frequently washing your hands either use soap or alcoholic based and uses sanitizes which kills viruses and bacteria.
You have to avoid crowed and do not close contact in social function
Avoid touching your moths, eyes, nose
Avoid and aware of handshaking and hugging to others
Always be in distance either in group or public
Always eat food with well-cooked like egg, meats vegetarian items
Always follow good respiratory hygiene
Cover your mouth and nose while cough, sneeze, and use tissue quickly.
Stay at home isolation if you feel unwell and use medicine and follow the health authority.
Beware with the wild animals and pet animals
Always aware and prevention of spreading of viruses from anyone anywhere
How about Coronavirus in Nepal?
Nepal government is taking seriously about the case of coronavirus since February. Later on, the government of Nepal department of immigration applied and work strictly most of the visitors are band in getting Nepal visa on arrival since the beginning week of March. Even in Nepal all schools and university is going to close from 20 March until next notice.
How can I travel to Nepal during the coronavirus outbreak period?
Coronavirus is spreading highly day by day to different countries in the world. Nepal government is temporarily suspended on arrival all visas for all countries from 14 March till 30 April 2020. However, the Nepal government is well-taking care in the Tribhuvan International airport and all the boarding parts of Nepal.
Hence, the Nepal government has put a health desk on the all arrival part of Tribhuvan International airport in Kathmandu. Nepal government has totally prevented all peak climbing permits for all parts of Nepal from 14 March to 30 April and continues till the next notice 2020. Although, any travellers visiting Nepal can get a Nepal visa from their country at the moment. To get Nepal visa once you approve Coronaviruses (COVID – 19) negative health certificates. And submit COVID -19 negative certificate to embassy and mission situated to your countries and get a Nepal visa. Nepal Government has closed all border points of Tatopani, Kerung, and Hilsa area on the China side. Nobody can aloud to enter Nepal from China boarding side.
Even the Nepal government provides a free visa to Indian but they have to check their health and enter to Nepal. Otherwise, they can’t enter in Nepal unless they haven't check health. Either they come from Nepal & India borders or fly from Kathmandu Tribhuvan International airport.
Similarly, any foreigners, once they enter in Nepal, have to stay self-quarantine for 7 days. Also, any (NRN) and Non-Residential Nepalese coming in Nepal have to stay home quarantine for 14 days. Next released after they have negative COVID -19 which is implementation from 14 March until 30 April 2020. After 17 October Nepal is open for tourists.
What are the main symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus?
Coronavirus is easily transmission form one victim to other normal people. Once if you contact the coronavirus infected people you need to do health checkups and beware of living in isolation either at home or in a public area. Moreover, most of the children and old people having less immune power and are mostly high chance of victims coronavirus. While people suffer from coronavirus they are victims of phenomena and finally kidney failure and may die of the people. There are few major symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19 which are given below-
High level of fever until a few days
Difficulty in breathing
Fatigue and sore throat
Coughing and sneezing
Common cold and feeling chest pain
Is Nepal tourism 2020 affected by Coronavirus?
Of course, visit Nepal 2020 is going to celebrate by the government of Nepal but it’s badly affected by a coronavirus. The ministry of Nepal and civil aviation (MoCTCA) announced the Visit Nepal 2020 and targeting to bring 2 million people for Nepal visit.
Nepal has a total of 139,200 people are infected by COVID-19 among 96,800 people are recovered and 765 were death cases till date. Most of the victims were back from India.
Finally, visit Nepal 2020 is badly impacted by the coronavirus epidemic that has badly destroyed the tourism industry of Nepal. And Nepal government has changed visit Nepal 2022. Even we Sunrise Adventure treks will ensure you all booking your Nepal visit. Even Nepal is a coronavirus-free zone and any travellers from the world can visit freely and fully enjoy your holidays.
Is there any drugs or treatment of COVID-19?
There is no vaccine or actual medicine to control COVID-19 coronavirus to this date. Anyone who has sickness should go to the hospital and follow the doctors’ advice and take preventive medicine. Some of the countries are applying possible vaccines and specific drugs are going under investigation. The main things are focus on personal hygiene and frequently wash your hands and away from crowd.
What types of people are at high risk of coronavirus COVID-19?
Mostly older people and children may have a victim of coronavirus. Although, children and old people and illness people have weakness of immune power and are in danger. The next one is those people having some disease and pre-using of medicine need to take care of. Having problems like (lung disease, cancers, diabetes, heart disease high blood pressure) may have a victim of coronavirus.
In nutshell,
Nepal is almost safe to travel from COVID-19 coronavirus. Who have done booking your trip you can continue your booking and postpone your trip. Nepal government is taking bold rules for travelling in Nepal and its visa system so you have to visit Nepal accordingly.