Recent Situation of COVID -19 in Nepal / Travel Guide

Recent Situation of COVID -19 in Nepal / Travel Guide, Is Nepal safe to travel
Coronavirus is threatening to the world. Nepal is safe to travel form coronavirus whereas Nepal has a total of 139200 people are infected by COVID – 19 among 96,800 people are recovered and 765 were death killed till date. Most of the victims were back from India. Nepalese people are safe but almost other people who are back from a foreign land either a foreigner or overseas Nepalese people bring symptoms of coronavirus here.
Today people are globally victims from COVID -19 novel coronavirus. The world situation is going really bad due to worldly rapidly spreading of coronavirus. All people scientists, doctors, and all specialists and researchers are doing deep research to get medicine of coronavirus but not found until now. This is not easy as people said to get its medicine where the world is suffering from coronavirus.
Furthermore once COVID-19 is emerging from China and spreading to Italy. Later all countries in Europe, the USA, South Africa, Middle East, Canada, Australia, and all countries in Asia. SO now it’s really terrible for every country in the world.
Government of Nepal Extensions lockdown
There is a frequent extension lockdown with a different timeline. Many people raise questions Is Nepal safe to travel? Of course, Nepal is safe to travel. Later 14 April Nepal government announced the next lockdown until the last week of July and again continue lockdown infected area of COVID-19 different parts of the country till mid of August 2020 to the next date. Although suspended regular domestic and international flights are open now.
Likewise presently lockdown is open in Nepal but most of the overland boarders is still closed. After 17 October 2020 tourist are allowed to entry in Nepal with having PCR negative report before 72 hours at Kathmandu airport.
The further additional information you can visit civil aviation authority of Nepal www.caanepal.gov.np
Nepal international flight
The government of Nepal has announced and extended on all international flight in Nepal are suspended until at least 30 April and continue until next notice. Although all the domestic and international flights are suspended until July and next till 1 September 2020. Nepal government established a health desk since mid of January at the Tribhuvan International airport. Later on since March in border check post between India and China. Nepal lockdown all sectors for almost 6 month ago. Since September Nepal's lockdown is open.
Nepal Immigration Department suspension of services
Nepal immigration suspension on visa service to all. The foreigner and Non-Residential Nepalese ( NRNA). On 16 April the department of Nepal immigration department announced new notice. They extended the suspension of all immigration services till the 27 April lockdown period. Nepal government announced the suspension of arrival visa for national from any country from midnight of 14 April until July 2020. Next, those travellers who have already process Nepal visa will need to submit a swab test PCR health certificate maximum of 7 days before to Nepal Immigration office at Tribhuvan International airport in Kathmandu. Next, all land travelers' entry into Nepal remains closed between March 14 till 30 April continues till next notice. Any national and international travelers have to stay in quarantine for a minimum of 14 days. The department says that to remain passionate0 to any the visa holders regarding their visa status renew and expiration.
Furthermore information you regarding Nepal visa you can visit the Department of Nepal Immigration.
Furthermore, the info you can visit below local resources
Nepal Ministry of Health and Population at https://heoc.mohp.gov.np/recent_alert/update-on-novel-corona-virus-2019_ncov/ or Facebook at com/HEOC
Infectious Disease Hospital (Teku) Hospital at info@istidh.org and the National Health Public Health Laboratory at nphl@nphl.gov.np for patient testing and quarantine.
Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu: https://www.tiairport.com.np/
Nepal Ministry of Health and Population COVID-19 Hotline Local Telephone Numbers: 9851255839; 9851255837; 9851255834 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal’s published list of international departures from Nepal: http://caanepal.gov.np/aerodromes/tribhuwan-international-airport.
Most of the countries are lockdown in the world
These days most of the countries are lockdown to protect from coronavirus. While COVID-19 is spreading to Italy after China, all countries in Europe, the USA, South Africa, Middle East, Canada, Australia and all countries in Asia then almost countries 217 has COVID -19 infected and going to lock down one after another.
All Nepal international flight is blocked and boarders from China and India are completely closed during lockdown period.
Many people different monolithic analyses and different perceptions about COVID-19. However different people have mixed feelings about it too.
Coronavirus badly impacted in the world
Thus presently novel coronavirus is badly impacted over the world. All sectors in every country are badly impacted by a novel coronavirus. All social and economic sectors are badly affected by COVID -19. Finally, Millions of people lose their job businesses are shut down due to the rapid spreading of novel coronavirus over the globe. Different countries are lockdown for a long time which is directly impacted by their economic sectors.