Transport Conditions in Nepal !

“Roads”, well defined as one of the main important infrastructures for the development of the country is being the most essential aspect for living the daily life of local people. A way on land makes easy transformation of people between two places by foot or by different vehicles. Different developed countries provide very well-built roads on which people can transfer without any hesitation. Whereas in Nepal, being one of the developing countries, such infrastructures like (Transport in Nepal) are under process. Thus, people are deprived of such facilities rather they get the low-quality facilities which creates many difficulties in different regions. But don’t worry it’s not like all the roads of Nepal are bad, many of them are very well in city areas with busy traffic as the habitats living there are more.
How are the roads of Nepal?
According to the Ministry of Transport Management in Nepal, 24,115 km of roads have been built in Kathmandu, among which 11,565 km is dirt road, 6,077 km is gravel road, and 7,474 km is asphalt paved road. Along with this, the Ministry of Transport Management declared the construction of 1,180 km new roads in the year of 2011 to 2012. Not only this, 46 new bridges were also built in this period. Such bridges improve access to remote areas. Somewhere the conditions of roads are poor in the country. But on the other hand, many roads are under construction to make easy access for people everywhere. Mainly in city areas like Kathmandu, the traffic jams in major streets are most irritating. You can see people traveling on the roof of the buses where the electric wires are hanging low which may injure them.
What about remote area’s routes?
Because of the physical features of Nepal, hills and mountains it is difficult to build roads in the country. And also because of economic weakness, it is difficult to afford the high expenses of constructing roads. Talking about the routes of remote areas, you can find the routes very bumpy and congested in hilly land and Himalayan trails. Here, only four-wheelers can run properly. Most of the routes are in the reformation process. Besides this, trekking in this region provides you beautiful moments as well, through spectacular views of many stunning mountains with morning sunrise and evening sunset, unique wildlife, and the most important green forests of pine and rhododendron.
Are there railways in Nepal?
Country of hills and mountains with a small Terai region doesn’t contain many railways. But the only operative old railway is Janakpur- Jaya Nagar Railway. It connects Bijalpur JayaNagar in India covering about 53 km of distance. And provides very cheap standard services.
Air Travel in Nepal
Nepal contains more than 40 airports in the country among which Tribhuvan International Airport is the first one established in 1949. And is still the International airport in the country. Though many airports are being developed at high altitudes, air travel is well developed in the country.
Despite being not so strong economically, Nepal’s effort in improving infrastructures of the country is highly effective. Nepal is a small landlocked country situated on the lap of the Himalayas and filled with many natural beauties. Many things have to be imported and exported from the country. The country relies on its transportation links for trade. Thus, the road network is one of the essential networks to develop the nation’s economic prosperity.
Besides having such improper construction in the country, it provides you such moments which you have never ever been tested before. Through its natural surroundings and unique ancient histories created by the legends and culture of different ethnic groups following their own customs, norms, and values, it makes your trekking time more exciting and precious. Sunrise Adventure Trek provides you the best services with proper care during the tours and trekking. So, you don’t have to worry about anything.