Where and how was Buddha Born?

About Buddha
Siddhartha Gautama was born around 623 BC in Lumbini, near Kapilvastu, into the Sakya family. He was the son of a king and queen, born into a royal family. Since then, Lumbini has been known as the birthplace of Buddha. Lumbini has become a major tourist attraction and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Gautama’s father was Suddhodhan, the leader of the Shakya Clan, and his mother, Yashodhara, died just seven days after Buddha's birth. Buddha was known as Siddhartha Gautama in his childhood.
When Buddha was born, the king summoned a priest to predict his future. The priest, using his clairvoyance, predicted that Siddhartha could either become a Chakravartin king, ruling the entire world, or a fully enlightened Buddha. To prevent Siddhartha from encountering the harsh realities of life, the king kept him within the palace, shielding him from the outside world. Buddha was provided with all luxuries and comforts, remaining unaware of the world's suffering.
However, Siddhartha was curious about the world beyond the palace. One day, he ventured outside and witnessed a sick man, an old man, and a dead body being carried for a funeral. This was his first encounter with the realities of sickness, aging, and death. His charioteer explained that these were inevitable parts of life. On his return, Siddhartha saw an ascetic and began to question the reasons for suffering.
At 16, Siddhartha married Yashodhara, and they had a son named Rahul. Despite his royal life, Siddhartha sought answers to his questions about suffering. At 20, he joined the Sakhyasangh. However, conflicts arose between the Shakya and Koli tribes over water rights, leading to a potential war. Siddhartha opposed the war, advocating for peace and dialogue. Faced with the ultimatum to either support the war or face expulsion, Siddhartha chose to leave the palace in search of answers.
Siddhartha sought wisdom from renowned teachers, learning religious philosophies and meditation techniques. However, he remained unsatisfied. He and five disciples tried extreme ascetic practices, including fasting and self-mortification, but these also failed to provide answers. Realizing that such extremes were not the answer, Siddhartha adopted a middle way, focusing on nourishing the body and mind.
One night, Siddhartha sat under the Bodhi tree, vowing not to rise until he found the truth. He meditated for several days, purifying his mind and reflecting on his past lives. Mara, an evil demon, attempted to distract him, but Siddhartha remained resolute. By touching the ground, he called upon the earth to witness his enlightenment, which banished Mara. In that moment of pure enlightenment, Siddhartha became the Buddha, meaning "the awakened one."
Following his enlightenment, Buddha initially hesitated to teach, doubting that others could understand his insights. However, he chose to spend the rest of his life sharing his knowledge to help others escape the inherent sufferings of life. Buddha traveled extensively in India and Nepal, spreading his philosophy of liberation. His teachings, initially passed down orally, were eventually written down years after his death.
Buddha's teachings included stories from his life and emphasized love and compassion for all living beings. His teachings are summarized in the Four Noble Truths:
- The truth of pain or sorrow: Life involves suffering, including birth, old age, sickness, and death.
- The truth of the cause of pain: Desire and attachment cause suffering.
- The truth of the end of pain: Ending desire can end suffering, leading to Nirvana.
- The truth of the path to end desires: The Noble Eightfold Path leads to the cessation of suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path
Buddha outlined eight principles for living a life that reduces suffering, known as the Noble Eightfold Path:
- Right vision: Understanding the nature of suffering and the causes behind it.
- Right aim: Cultivating a compassionate and altruistic mindset.
- Right speech: Speaking truthfully and kindly, avoiding harm through words.
- Right action: Acting ethically and avoiding harmful behaviors.
- Right livelihood: Engaging in work that does not cause harm to others.
- Right effort: Making a consistent effort to improve oneself.
- Right mindfulness: Maintaining awareness and discernment of one's thoughts and actions.
- Right meditation: Developing concentration and insight to achieve spiritual awakening.
Spread of Buddhism
Buddha believed in equality and freedom for all, advocating a way of life based on ethics and morality. His teachings resonated deeply with the people of India, attracting both the elite and common folk. After Buddha's death, the first Buddhist council was held at Rajagriha, where 500 monks gathered to preserve his teachings. Subsequent councils further spread Buddhism, notably the third council at Pataliputra during the reign of Emperor Ashoka and the fourth council in Kashmir.
Buddhism's simple, accessible teachings appealed to the masses, emphasizing equality and avoiding complex rituals. Emperor Ashoka's support, following his conversion after the Kalinga war, significantly spread Buddhism, making it a major religion in Asia and earning Buddha the title "Light of Asia."
According to Buddha
“Happy the solitude of the peaceful; who knows are beholding the truth. Happy is that one who stands firmly unmoved, who holds himself in check at all times. Happy he whose every sorrow, whose every wish is at an end. The conquest of the stubbornness of the egoity is truly the supreme happiness.”
Death of Buddha
Lord Gautama Buddha died at the age of 80 in Kushinagar, present-day Gorakhpur. Till his last breath, he remained a teacher. On his deathbed, he advised his disciple Ananda, "Betake yourselves to no external refuge. Like a lamp, hold the truth very fast. Hold fast as a refuge to the truth. Do not hope for any refuge and look back to anyone besides yourselves." Buddha's passing, known as Parinirvana, occurred in 486 B.C. His teachings and life story continue to inspire millions, emphasizing the pursuit of eternal happiness and the meaninglessness of worldly affairs. Buddha's life was marked by dedication and struggle, yet he remained humble, demonstrating a deep commitment to the spiritual path.